Minggu, 09 April 2017

puisi sahabat

Oleh Tutik Rukmini

Disaat hidup ini hampa...
Disaat hari-hariku sendiri...
Waktu luang sulit untuk ku tutupi
Sunyi, sepi, menemaniku.
Aku membutuhkan sahabat
Bahkan tidak hanya seorang sahabat
Tapi banyak sahabat...
Aku seperti sendiri .. sendiri dalam duka ku
Sendiri karena egoku ..
Bahkan sendiri didalam masalah hidupku.

puisi keluarga

“Surat Untuk Keluarga kecilku”
Oleh Tutik Rukmini

Senyum manis yang terpancar di bibir mereka
Selalu membuat ku semangat
Kasih sayang yang pernah mereka berikan
Tidak pernah lepas dari jiwaku

Ibu yang setia merawatku
Ayah yang setia melindungiku
Kakak yang setia menjagaku
Ibu yang selalu mendengarkan curhatku
Ayah yang selalu memenuhi kebutuhanku
Saudara yang selalu menghiburku
Membuat ku tak berdaya, harus ku pergi
Pergi sementara mengejar cita-cita ku

Saatku jauh dari mereka aku sedih

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Your top recommendations for things to do in your town

The faculty of Teaching and Education of University Tanjungpura has been a lot of prospective teachers even issued each year it is always driving out thousands of prospective teachers but education in West Kalimantan alone is still not met. That's because of the lack of qualified teachers and educational uneven in West Kalimantan. As for my plans for the future in the world of education is educating to the next generation. I wanted to contribute the quality and potential in my self to educate the nation of Indonesia. My view, as the future generation I will give my best for this country and give all that I could. In my concept, I do not really look at the material, but I put forward their intellectual education. I'm trying to dig another area of ​​West Kalimantan's before the fulfilled education.
the education in West Kalimantan has been a lot done, but most of them dropped out of education due to lack of funds to continue their education. Therefore, as the successor to the nation in the form of a teacher to teach me to appreciate those who are less able. In order for their potential to grow back and produce the nation's future better. There is also as a teacher I still have to learn so that I can give an instruction to them better and give them the knowledge of devotion as the nation's next smart and intellectual high that they could be a successor to the nation and the state.

Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?

My favorite food is only what  important to be kosher. But my favorite food is cassava. Cassava is my firts food of  childhood. Since of childhood I was raised by my grandmother and grandfather. My grandfather is died when I was to  school the second semester of ninth grade. Every time I go home to home town, I make a stew made of cassava is usually fried or to makes compote. As long as I can still eat with my Grand mother and then it to becomes a moment is very impressive when I thought of the age of my elderly grandmother. He is an superhero without a merit. In my life he was the first and the last that I’m loving and missing. I will always love and miss him I love you forever my Grand Mother. Cassava is a staple food, usually if I in this Pontianak city I often buy the cassava chips as a snack the daily. In complete with my favorite drink is ice cream. Cassava is not only my firts meal  but it will also be my last meal because there is no other my favorite foods anymore other apart from the cassava. The  moments when I’m  eating cassava to many of  memories for me with my grandmother and familys the memories of love and sorrow. And it is my fondest memories in my life even though until now I have not been able to make them be happy, I hope one day they can to smile for  me with a smile of pride, Amiiiin !!!

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

Time has not been able to be played back. What are you doing right now is a reflection of your future. Make your life's journey that becomes your history for future generations. Yesterday is past because it has become your history, but today and in the future is your future. So the future is in your hands!
For the 10 years to come to be what I am? Who am I? 10 years old it's still really I would shorten it again to 5 years. For the five years to come I do not know who I am because it will be the destiny of the God disposes. But before the 5 years that I have been given the benefit of the crowds either materiality or non-material. I do not know what else I should mention is actually the dream very much and can not be achieved all but still dear to me high and I know of one of them materialized. The target of my life is to find Ridha Allah. To achieve the success of the world and the hereafter. My plan for ten years to come, is that at that time I had reached S2, having a sedentary job, send money to family kampong and could help the state in the nation in the form of material or non-material.
Success is in our hands, the  God will not change the state of a people before the people themselves to change it. That change is the nature of every human being! Because life is a choice, and therefore when we will turn to be a better person ???  what do you recomendation???

Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

Your reason choosing your study major at Untan

Why I can open to college in UNTAN?
Untan is a best universities and the most popular in the KAL-BAR, everyone there wants to study, and everyone also wants to become a member of the students. In contrast to me, that there is absolutely no desire to college to Untan. Early I had said the same parents that I will continue to study the area of ​​Java wanted to enter again the existing boarding college, as a student there but still deep religious knowledge as well. But the grandmother was not pleased with my desire. At the end of the second half of our class teacher told me to participate in the selection of