On Wednesday the 19th of October 2016 I
learned English with the matter "cultural different: being on time"
by Miss Haiti Zulfany Dini, M, Pd. In
the room1A Integrated building FKIP UNTAN.
The first, Miss Dini provide material for to readed and understood by learners. If there is
a vocabulary that is not understood then it is written means that in addition
to the sentence. After that Miss Dini provide questions to individual learners
in the form of an English sentence from material that has been studied to be
translated into Indonesian. Below is one example of this sentences:
Cultural: kebudayaan remind:
Difference: perbedaan the
appointed: waktu yang ditentukan
On time: tepat waktu remained:
Important: penting explanation:
Puntcual: tepat waktu considered:
True: betul disrespectful:
tidak sopan
Discovered: menemukan unacceptable:
tidak bisa diterima
Scheduled: daftar
perjalanan consequently:
Several: beberapa misinterpret:
salah mengartikan
Apologise: minta maaf Rude: kasar
Lateness: sudah lewat
waktunya Respectively:
Miss Dini provide a written question multiple-choice questions and one correct
7- 4
questions to add to our knowledge of the matter today.
That is all and thank you.
That is all and thank you.
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